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Application Summary

The customer thought inert material screening would be perfect for putting the Warrior 600 to the test as the wet, sticky nature of this recycled material is difficult to screen.

Material was collected from the waste site and transported via an 18 ton dumper lorry to the test site. The manager on site estimated between 30-40 lorry loads of material were delivered to the site during a full day of running a Powerscreen Warrior. At this site in Northern Ireland, a Powerscreen Warrior 600 crushed inert material waste which was fed by an excavator.


Warrior 600

Top Deck: 75mm Fingers
Bottom Deck: 25mm Fingers
Running 9-10 hours per day
Slow Feeder due to ‘stickyness’ of material
Fuel Consumption: Approx 6 litres/hour

During this 9-10 hour day, the Powerscreen Warrior used approx 60 Litres of fuel.


Feed material for Warrior 600 screen
Feed material
Mid size screened product from Warrior 600
Mid-sized material
Oversized product screened by Warrior 600
Over-sized material
Screened fine size product from Warrior 600
Fine-sized material
Warrior 600 screen processing inert material
Screen media
Screen media for Warrior 600 screen